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Think ChatGPT Can Write Your Business Book? BrightRay Publishing Challenged AI to a Write-Off—and Won


With the rise of ChatGPT and similar forms of AI software, many are left wondering: how will the surge of AI transform the writing industry? Will writers become obsolete? Will “bots” be the brainpower behind the business books of the future?

Circles within the professional writing industry are buzzing, questioning the best application of this software and its reliability to produce quality content that is based on accurate information. Attempting to answer these questions, BrightRay’s team of writers has determined that using AI to write your book presents three major problems. 

1. AI does not know the details of your story. 

Imagine you turn to AI, rather than a professional writer, for help writing your book. Instead of sitting down with a writer over a cup of coffee to discuss your business-building days, you would settle yourself in front of a blank screen and fill out the provided fields, waiting for the AI to “understand” you enough to generate content. However, AI was not there when you launched and grew your business. You were, and only you know the whole story, including the intimate details of the challenges that you endured and successes that you celebrated. 

2. AI lacks the ability to mimic natural language rhythms and create nuanced writing.

New AI software may act as the largest simulations of neural pathways ever created—an undoubtedly impressive and exciting feat for technical innovation—but many writers question if the programs can imitate natural human syntax and semantics. When collaborating with a writer to create your business memoir, the writer takes note of your unique speech patterns and personality before weaving them into the book. As such, every writer knows that the art of communication is a subtle balance between voice, tone, and context, complicated lingual elements that an artificial brain with black-and-white thinking may struggle to portray on the written page. 

3. AI plagiarizes other online sources. 

Considering that AI generates text by analyzing other written materials across the Internet, the matter of properly cited research also presents a concern. Avoiding plagiarism, utilizing proper citations where necessary, and giving credit where credit is due are key tenets of the writing industry. While writing is often meant to be distinctly original and cited, could you write a book with AI and know that all the written content is a product of your own story, not someone else’s? 

When it comes to the development of written business content, many believe that certain tasks could be delegated to AI software for greater efficiency, both increasing overall productivity and reducing company expenses. Marketing copy, social media captions, email campaigns, and blog posts are a few examples of content that could be created via AI. However, as these efforts vastly contribute to the face value of the company, it is critical to ensure content contributes to the conversation rather than using overused, expressionless text.

To experiment with this type of content creation, consider a question that founders of businesses likely asked themselves at some point: how do you know if entrepreneurship is right for you? We provided this prompt to the latest version of ChatGPT as well as our BrightRay writing team. 

Below is the prompt response created by ChatGPT:

Entrepreneurship can be a rewarding and challenging career path, but it’s not right for everyone. Here are some factors to consider when determining if entrepreneurship is right for you:

  1. Risk tolerance: Starting a business involves taking risks, and not everyone is comfortable with that. Consider how you feel about financial risk and uncertainty.
  2. Self-motivation: Entrepreneurs must be highly self-motivated, as they’re responsible for driving their own success.
  3. Problem-solving skills: Entrepreneurs must be able to identify problems and find creative solutions.
  4. Passion: Successful entrepreneurs are often passionate about their idea or product. If you’re not excited about what you’re working on, it may be difficult to stay motivated.
  5. Adaptability: The business world is constantly changing, and entrepreneurs must be able to adapt to new situations.
  6. Networking skills: Building a successful business often requires making connections and networking with others.

Ultimately, the decision to become an entrepreneur should be based on careful consideration of your skills, interests, and goals.

As you can see, while this text is succinct, on-topic, and grammatical, it is a voiceless, dry explanation of entrepreneurship. It lacks depth, instead parroting the same surface-level information that many readers already know. Additionally, it omits target-audience-specific information, such as anecdotes, metaphors, and elements of business-culture context that would allow the presented information to truly add value, and perhaps evoke emotion, to the greater conversation at hand.

Now, consider BrightRay’s writing team’s response to this same prompt:

While entrepreneurship is undoubtedly teeming with challenges—and requires business sensibility, unrelenting perseverance, and an exceptional idea—launching a new venture may lead to revolutionary innovation and personal accomplishment. Perhaps you have what it takes to transform an industry, service, or product and create sustainable success. 

We act as the personal writing team for busy professionals, listening to tales of achievement in the face of assorted challenges. Through this proximity, BrightRay brings to you a list of qualities that the most successful entrepreneurs embody:  

  1. Entrepreneurs are creative and solution-oriented leaders.

With a keen eye for what could be made better or done faster, entrepreneurs have a knack for identifying market gaps and finding new ways to engineer their way around particular challenges. Instead of seeing problems as obstacles, these driven individuals approach them as solutions just waiting to be discovered and as opportunities to unleash new strategies, methods, and products into the market.

  1. Entrepreneurs are gritty and future-focused.

Competition enters the market every day; but good entrepreneurs are successful because of their ability to lock in on broader, long-term goals and still push their way through the daily obstacles. They combine ingenuity and problem-solving abilities with a can-do spirit in order to succeed. Any failure is perceived as a lesson and motivation to do better the next day. 

  1. Entrepreneurs possess passion and self-discipline.

In order to successfully establish a brand or business in today’s highly competitive market, entrepreneurs must believe in their ideas with unwavering passion. But it’s not enough to be a visionary with market-worthy ideas: entrepreneurs need the persistent drive and sensibility to persevere through difficult growing phases, adapt over the years, and create unparalleled products or services. This is all done for the glory of achieving the end goal.

  1. Entrepreneurs tend to be efficient communicators who can recognize consumer needs and identify opportunities.

In striving to meet the needs of their market, entrepreneurs recognize the benefits of learning the ins and outs of a particular human nature as it relates to their particular offering. They must competently address market needs and express empathy for their current and prospective clients. The entrepreneurs who succeed are the ones who know the pulse of their buyers.

Our example compiles a list of personal traits needed to succeed as an entrepreneur. Additionally, we incorporate both the relevance of the information as it relates to BrightRay’s typical clients and assimilate the nuance of our expertise—helping busy professionals accurately write and publish their stories. This is a distinct contrast from the mundane, dispassionate, and fact-heavy text generated by ChatGPT. 

AI-generating software might have success drafting ongoing content for basic business communications such as email campaigns, memos, and ad copy. But writing your personal story is better left to humans who can build a synergistic relationship and establish a sense of mutual accountability between you and your writing team to publish your book within an agreed-upon timeframe. 

BrightRay’s trained writers skillfully immerse themselves in our clients’ stories, delve into the details, and build a personal relationship with you to sensibly render your knowledge to write your book that’s aimed at your target audience. While an AI, for all its impressive capabilities, lacks the human aptitude to subjectively guide you to introspectively compose your business book. 


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