How to Build an Independent Publishing Budget
“The good news about self-publishing is you get to do everything yourself. The bad news about self-publishing is you get to do everything yourself.” ~Lori
“The good news about self-publishing is you get to do everything yourself. The bad news about self-publishing is you get to do everything yourself.” ~Lori
A hardback book is more about the author’s own ego than anything else. It’s the most “official”-looking format of a book that you can get,
The Ghostwriters Behind the Book It’s not much of an industry secret that most of those top-selling biographies and memoirs by politicians and celebrities aren’t
The old adage is actually right: people really do judge a book by its cover. It’s what’s on the inside that counts, of course, but
If you’ve already read our main post about Advanced Reader Copies, then you already know two things: With that said, how to make ARCs? This
Choosing the right path for you. To start off, I have to say that I’ve never liked the ambiguity surrounding the term “self-publishing.” It can
Pricing your book on Amazon is one of the final critical details that you have to determine before publication. A lot of first-time authors will
Have you ever noticed the 13 digits on the barcode of a book? That unique string of numbers and letters is an International Standard Book
Writing a press release may seem like an echo of the press kit, but in reality, they serve different purposes. Your press kit is all
There are very few frustrations that compare to picking up a book with an attractive front cover only to flip to the back and find